Internet Freedom Foundation defends online freedom in India. Our work spans a range of issues including censorship and free expression, online privacy and encryption, net neutrality and innovation.

Network Neutrality and the Fight to Save the Internet What is Net Neutrality? Net neutrality refers to the treatment by internet service providers (ISPs) of all content, from all sites and businesses, as equal. This means that a broadband provider cannot make services speeds faster for sites controlled by companies with whom they have business relationships, or slower for competitors or critics. Net Neutrality -- Can We Trust the FCC Not to Censor the Net Neutrality supporters tell us to distrust the ISP's, who have, with no Net Neutrality rules in place, given us an Internet that is the closet thing in history to a censorship-free zone. Alternatively, they ask us to trust the FCC, which has been banning, bleeping, and blurring everything in sight ever since the 1930's. When Net Neutrality Becomes Programmed Censorship

Dec 06, 2017

The FCC and net-neutrality advocates correctly recognize that if the agency can monitor and control the distributors of speech, they can shape culture and politics. … Net Neutrality Has Nothing to Do With Censorship

Oct 01, 2014

Russian internet censorship could come the U.S.