Aug 03, 2013 · A government agency can also subpoena data from Google, which doesn’t require a judge’s approval -- but they can’t subpoena the actual content of your searches or emails. 2. They could monitor your

May 10, 2013 · Google can and does monitor people – perhaps upwards of 90 percent of Internet users worldwide – whether they use a Google product or not, and most people have no idea they're being monitored Jan 05, 2019 · New Zealand’s Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) In the decades that followed the founding of the Five Eyes alliance, surveillance has progressed at an alarming rate. Indeed, with the growth of the internet and the onset of the digital age, there’s now a great deal of emphasis on monitoring the web and your online activity Sep 18, 2013 · So also, in most of the rest of the world, there is content surveillance and monitoring of Internet based traffic by one or more government intelligence or law enforcement agencies – and usually The government has started monitoring all transactions and conversations conducted over the internet. This is said to be a measure to secure the public against cybercrimes as well as increasing

When it comes to Internet monitoring, Stanley says there are two main groups who have access: the government (including the NSA and local police departments) and the private sector (i.e.: the advertising industry). And both groups, can deduce a fair amount about you, just by looking at which web sites you interact with, he says.

Does anyone know whether the background check involves a search into one's internet usage (i.e. do the investigators obtain info from Internet Service Providers and what not)? I don't have anything to hide, but I am curious and I haven't seen this issue addressed on this board.

Why Government Use of Social Media Monitoring Software Is

Jan 08, 2009 Americans’ Views on Government Surveillance Programs | Pew Mar 16, 2015 is the government monitoring our computer activity(search Aug 08, 2006 Q & A: US Warrantless Surveillance Under Section 702 of