Sep 12, 2018

Your profile picture will still be visible in your conversations and people will still be able to search for you by name to send you a message. You will continue to appear to friends on Facebook in places where they can message you. You can still use Facebook Login for your other apps, like Spotify, Pinterest or Games. How do I delete a conversation on Facebook? | Facebook Click in the top right of Facebook. Open the conversation you want to delete. Click at the top of the chat window and select Delete conversation. Click Delete Conversation to confirm. How To Delete Messages On Messenger Permanently In 2020 Jan 07, 2020 How to Delete (Single/Multiple/All) Facebook Messages

How To Delete All Facebook Messages At Once

How do I Permanently Delete Text Messages on - Android

No, it will remain in their inbox until they delete the conversation. Instead of seeing your picture and name next to the the conversation, they’ll see a grey icon and see their name instead of your name.. like this: If they open the conversation,

How to Delete Your Facebook Account Before you go on, Facebook will warn you of the ramifications that go along with permanently deleting your account. Back up any of the data you want to save and, if you’re sure this is the right choice for you, click the “Delete Account” button. As one last security step, you have to enter your password before you can delete your … Do messages delete when you delete Facebook? | AnswersDrive Once you type and press the send button your message gets stored in your inbox on the Facebook server. Then when the recipient is online then he will get the message. You will not be able to delete messages after you press the “send” button . You can only delete the conversation on your inbox. How can I permanently delete my chat history from Facebook