Welcome to IPscan, the open source IPv6 port scanner, or firewall tester, which checks multiple, user-selectable TCP, UDP and ICMPv6 services. IPscan offers much of the functionality you might hope to find in an IPv6 version of GRC's ShieldsUP® utility. So far over 105033 IPv6 hosts, and of the order of 7772400 IPv6 ports, have been tested.

I just noticed that two colleagues of mine have IPv6-accesssible SMTP systems. One is at PSC, the other at SWITCH (who also has v6-accessible authoritative DNS :).. I sent both of them test emails and confirmed that ET's SMTP server does use IPv6 preferentially over IPv4. Fuzzing test suites and protocols | Synopsys See the RFC specification coverage, fuzz test tool features and tool-specific information for over 100 test suites with Synopsys Defensics. How to setup FreePBX to work with Office 365 Exchange The inet_protocols = ipv4 tells postfix to not use ipv6. ipv6 is bad mojo with most SMTP servers. Reload postfix by running these command: service postfix restart. OPTIONAL: I also took the liberty to disable IPv6 at the Centos OS level as well.

Test SMTP Server. Setting up a new mail server?, Need to test that your SMTP server is configured correctly?. Use this tool to send a test email message directly to your mail server - it will log the full SMTP conversation in real-time, revealing any errors or exceptions raised by your SMTP server.

Postfix IPv6 Support The SMTP server now requires that IPv6 addresses in SMTP commands are specified as [ipv6:ipv6address], as described in RFC 2821. The IPv6 network address matching code was rewritten from the ground up, and is expected to be closer to the specification. The result may be incompatible with the Postfix/IPv6 patch. IPv6 Support for unsupported Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer This test will check the external domain name settings for your verified domain in Office 365. The test will look for issues with mail delivery such as not receiving incoming email from the Internet and Outlook client connectivity issues that involve connecting to Outlook and Exchange Online.

Apr 13, 2017

Test your IPv6. IPv4 or IPv6: If green, you will have no problem on World IPv6 day. If this fails, seek help from your IT department, helpdesk, or ISP tech support. If this fails, consider using the full test, with IE, Firefox, Safari, or Chrome, to get more detailed information about possible failure reasons. IPv6: If … SMTP Test / Mail Server Test • Wormly Monitoring